Terms and Conditions of Use
The present General Conditions of Use (hereinafter referred to as « GCU »), subject to French law, constitute a legal contract between the user of the site https://synergie-ac.fr (hereinafter referred to respectively as the « User », and the « Site ») and the company SYNERGIE ARCHI & CONSTRUCTION, SAS with a capital of 260,00€, 13 Quai Lucien Lefranc, Aubervilliers registered in the Bobigny Trade and Companies
Register under the number 908 899 081, publisher of the Site (hereinafter referred to as « SYNERGIE-AC »).
The purpose of the GCU is to govern the use of the Site as well as all the services offered by it, whether paid or free, accessible from anymedium offered by SYNERGIE-AC, and including in particular the sending of emails by SYNERGIE-AC (hereinafter referred to as the « Services »).
Article 1 – Definitions
Private space made available to the User from his registration on the Site, accessible by means of personal codes, and allowing him to access certain services of the Site, free or paying, which require to be active the prior obtaining of certain information concerning the User.
Privacy Policy:
Terms of use of data collected by the Site or its Services from Users, detailed in Article 11.
Any information accessible on the Site or any of its Services, including text, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, tables, videos, sounds, data or animations of any kind.
Information in the form of text, with or without photographs or illustrations in any form whatsoever, centered around a theme and intended
to inform Users of the Site or any of its Services.
The Articles are an integral part of the aforementioned Content.
Content bearing a question related to a particular project or of a more general scope formulated by a User with the aim of obtaining answers from Users registered as Professionals and having sufficient expertise on the subject dealt with.
Article 2 – Property rights
The Site and all its components, as well as the names, brands and logos displayed on it or on any of its services, registered or not, are the exclusive property of SYNERGIE-AC and its partners, worldwide, and constitute works within the meaning of the provisions of Art. L112-1 of the
Intellectual Property Code.
Except as authorized in the GCU, or prior written authorization of the company SYNERGIE-AC, the User is prohibited from copying, reproducing, modifying, translating, publishing, distributing, transmitting, adapting, exploiting or having exploited, selling or having sold, any part of the Site or its information and Services, whatever the format (including text, photographs, illustrations, videos or film) and whatever the mode of
dissemination (including digital, audio, paper).
Article 3 – Authorized use
SYNERGIE-AC grants the User of the Website and its Services a private, individual and non-exclusive right of use. This authorization does notcover any commercial, professional or lucrative use of any kind, unless prior written authorization.
The authorized use is limited to the consultation and/or printing of a reasonable number of copies of the pages and Services of the Site, in their integral, non-truncated format, not modified in any way.
Article 4 – Responsibility
The Site as well as its Services are provided to the User at his own risk, under his responsibility and without guarantee of any kind. Any form of
guarantee is excluded from the present GTU, insofar as this fact does not conflict with the legislation in force.
In particular, SYNERGIE-AC does not guarantee
– the uninterrupted operation of the Site or of its Services,
– the absence of technological error or virus on the Site or any of its Services,
– the compatibility of the Site or any of its Services with any software, operating system, or hardware,
– the absence of error, inaccuracy, omission or expiration of information on the Site or any of its Services.
SYNERGIE-AC shall not be held responsible for any damage resulting from such an eventuality.
The Contents present on the Site or its Services are not intended to serve as a guarantee to the Users, in particular with regard to a decision to
purchase any services or goods.
Article 5 – General use policy of the Site and its Services
The User formally agrees to respect the following rules of use:
– not to defame, insult, insult anyone, including SYNERGIE-AC, the Site and its Services,
– respect the right to image and privacy of all,
– not to harm SYNERGIE-AC or the image of its brands,
– not to violate public order or morality, including by words or actions that would be discrimination, racial hatred, sectarianism, violence, pornography, harassment,
– not to infringe the copyright or any intellectual property rights of third parties,
– not to use any technological process whatsoever that may damage or corrupt the operation or security of the Site or its Services
– not to seek to collect, except with written authorization from A&H, data on the Site, its Services, or any of its users,
– not to disseminate advertising on the Site or any of its Services, without prior written permission of SYNERGIE-AC, and in particular not to spam users, or to initiate any action of canvassing, massive or individual, especially in the form of email that is contrary to art L 34-5 of the Code of posts and electronic communications.
Otherwise, the User agrees to compensate SYNERGIE-AC for any damage that would be the consequence of such actions emanating from him.
Article 6 – Notification of abuse
In accordance with the law 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, known as the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy (LCEN), and in order to allow any user to bring to its attention the existence of illicit content that it stores, SYNERGIE-AC provides Users with a procedure to report any abuse.
The User wishing to report abuse must send an e-mail to contact@synergie-ac.fr using the word « Alert » as the subject and specifying the following information
– the description of the abuse and its precise location on the Site or Service concerned,
– the reasons why the content must be removed,
– a copy of the correspondence previously sent to the author of the abuse requesting the removal of the content concerned, where possible.
SYNERGIE-AC informs Users that any manifestly abusive notification is criminally reprehensible (Law 2004-575 of 21 June 2004, Art. 6).
Article 7 – Links to third party sites
The Site and its Services may contain hyperlinks to other sites or services that SYNERGIE-AC does not control.
The presence of these links has no other purpose than to facilitate the navigation of Users, and does not mean in any way that SYNERGIE-AC approves or guarantees in any way these sites, nor their policy of use, nor their contents.
Article 8 – Policy on the use of data collected by the Site and its Services
In order to allow the functioning of the Site and its Services, SYNERGIE-AC uses certain personal data of the Users. These data are kept in a file declared to the CNIL under the receipt number 1863047.
SYNERGIE-AC uses this information to provide its Users with the Services they have subscribed to or similar services.
In addition, SYNERGIE-AC uses information relating to the navigation of Users on the Site, also called « Cookies ».
Every User has the right to question, access, rectify, oppose or delete data concerning him/her (Art. 38 of the modified law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, known as « Informatique et Libertés »).
To exercise this right, the User shall send an e-mail specifying his request and proving his identity to: contact@synergie-ac.fr.
Article 9 – Obligation of Conservation and Communication of identification data
By virtue of the legislation in force (law 2004-575 of 21-6-2004), A&H is obliged to keep and possibly communicate, upon judicial request, data allowing the identification of any person who has contributed to the creation of content put online on the Site or one of its Services.
SYNERGIE-AC electronic archiving systems comply with Decree 2011-219 of 25-2-2011 which governs the conservation of such data, and will be deemed authentic in the event of legal proceedings.
Article 10 – Jurisdiction
The present GTU are subject to French law.
The responsibility of SYNERGIE-AC cannot be engaged in case of non-compliance with the legislation of the country of connection.
Any dispute will be the responsibility of the French courts which will have exclusive jurisdiction.
Article 11 – Miscellaneous
In the event that one or more clauses of the GTU are declared inapplicable due to the law in force, the other clauses will remain applicable.
SYNERGIE-AC reserves the right to modify the present GTU at any time.
The same applies to the Site and the Services which are likely to change regularly.
Any modification of the TOS takes effect as soon as it is implemented on the Site or in the Services.
It is the User’s responsibility to regularly consult this page to comply with the current version of this contract.